The Heart-Based Hospitality Services and Workshops
We provide various workshops for senior managers, team leaders, and employees of all other levels so that they can create Heart-Based Hospitality.
- The guest experience is very different from what one encounters in hotels generally, and eventually, it will become the norm in the hotel industry, which has no other direction to move in except one in which the focus is on increasing continuously the emotional, spiritual, and energetic feeling of the hospitality experience, and on providing hospitality, which is characterized by ever-increasing levels of loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care.
Inspirational Element
Every workshop includes an inspirational element of stories, music, and videos, which work on the hearts of the participants so that they not only believe that they can put the contents of the workshop into practice, but also so that they want to do so.
Click on the links below for information about the workshops:
How to Create a Heart-Based Hospitality Hotel
Senior Management Mission and Vision Statement Workshop (2 days)
The Heart-Based Hospitality Workshop Follow-Up Deepening Programme (1 day)
Vision Statement Deepening Programme
How to Deal Effectively With Negative Feedback from Guests (1 day)
Train The Trainer (1 day or 2 days)
Effective Telephone Skills and Etiquette Workshop (Half a day or 1 day)